Zipper Knot

zippers, celtic knot, knot, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, b3d, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-07-08 15:48:00

High quality version here:

This design came about entirely by accident. I had been trying to create an animated set of tubular nylon strands like the beauty that is the album artwork for Above and Beyond’s “Group Therapy”, when I turned on geometric displacement and realized that the intensity was set up way too high. Added a Glossy shader, and POW! Happy Accidents!

If you’re not yet familiar with it “Group Therapy”, you should definitely listen to that album - but note that you WILL cry.

This GIF is one in a set named “Knot” - hopefully I’ll be able to create and post more soon - this idea has a lot of unexplored potential.

zippers, celtic knot, knot, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, b3d, cycles

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