Yin Yang Masking - Source

processing, yin yang, compositing, animated gif, motion graphics, yin yang masking, blender, post processing

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-06-13 09:32:00

Sometimes, I see an image, and it inspires me. Two nights ago was one of those times. This was one of those images. I have no idea who the original creator of that image was, but I’d like to thank that person for making it. Anyway, it gave me some ideas. So I coded this quick little sketch in processing to produce a pair of masks for me - one mask would be the original Alpha, and for the other, I would use the Luma.

How and why does one make use of two masks from one image? Well, I used them in the compositing breakdown below, and for the output below as well:


More in this set to come.

This image is one in a set named “Yin Yang Masking

processing, yin yang, compositing, animated gif, motion graphics, yin yang masking, blender, post processing

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