Variations in Post-Processing on a Simple Wireframe

angulargeometry, is totally awesome, post processing, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, b3d, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-04-25 08:23:24

So earlier tonight, I saw a GIF named “I See You” by Angular Geometry, and it inspired me a bit. I thought “Oh, hey, I like that post-processing! I’ll bet I could pull off something like that in a really simple setup I’m imagining right now!” - but the more I got in and played with it, the less it looked like what had inspired it, and more like… well, more like 5 other completely different things - but each one was cool, so I thought I would post them all! :D

If you would like to play with applying some post-processing to this animation, the last image in this set is exactly what I had to start with, so you’re welcome to pull that down and play with it yourself. I’d love to see what anyone else out there would do with this!

angulargeometry, is totally awesome, post processing, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, b3d, cycles

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