Sweet Compositing Accident

happy accidents, compositing, sweet, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles, after effects, b3d

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-08-31 11:15:00

Higher Quality Versions here: http://imgur.com/gallery/AVVRr

These designs were an accidental side-effect that came up in the process of trying to create something completely different, but they were an awesome accident. So I decided to post them as their own set.

Side note for fellow Blender + AE users - I just learned that yes, you can actually use image data from Blender’s Multi-Layer EXR files in After Effects, but you have to use the “EXtractor” plugin to access that data, which seems to come bundled with AE versions CS6+.

Here is the link to the video from which I learned the trick, jumping ahead to the point where it became relevant to me.

happy accidents, compositing, sweet, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles, after effects, b3d

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