Rainbow Globe - 1

rainbow, globe, sphere, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles, rainbow globe

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-09-29 15:46:00

Higher quality version here: http://imgur.com/gallery/a517YuR

Sometimes, you just need a little more color in your world. ;)

Inspiration can come from the strangest places sometimes - I stumbled across this particular color combination of reusable grocery bags earlier, and I was like “OMG I MUST USE THOSE COLORS!!!” Initially the material on the sphere was a plain diffuse version of exactly those colors sampled from that bag preview image, but when I decided to make it transparent, I had to make their value and saturation a little more consistent to balance out the rainbow shadows.

This design is one in a series named “Rainbow Globe”, and with any luck, I’ll have some more to post later tonight. ;)

rainbow, globe, sphere, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles, rainbow globe

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