Q*Bert Club - Rubik’s Cube Remix

allisonhouse, flrn, qbert club, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles, cubes

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2015-01-27 00:30:00

Higher quality versions: Ello | G+

Big thanks goes out to allisonhouse for sending me an invite to be a Player on Dribbble! This is actually my “Debut Shot”, so I hope it’s good enough to make some noise! :)

This design is what happened when I crossed the materials and lighting from my “Q*Bert Club” series with the animation idea I saw I by another one of my new favorite GIF makers on Tumblr, flrngif. I also decided to pull back in some of the beautiful yellow that’s in the top right of the photo that originally inspired this whole series.

This image is a post-show addition to a set named “Q*bert Club”, a series I originally created for my exhibition at the Utah Museum Of Contemporary Art (UMOCA) which ran from September 19th until October 16th, 2014.

allisonhouse, flrn, qbert club, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles, cubes

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