Q*bert Club (early demo)

qbert club, cube, umoca, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-10-19 07:39:52

Higher quality versions: Ello | G+

So now that my show at UMOCA is down, and Obviologist’s content is up and running in the same space, it’s about time to start posting some of the content that I developed for the show. But first - I wanted to post this early demo of one of the sets I had up in the museum. A while ago, I found a beautiful photo of some fantastic architecture at a night club that gave me the inspiration for this material and color set. More in this set to come.

This image is one in a set named “Q*bert Club”, a series I designed for my exhibition at the Utah Museum Of Contemporary Art (UMOCA) which ran from September 19th until October 16th, 2014.

qbert club, cube, umoca, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles

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