Phase 0: Triangle - Rainbow Torus Spirals (2/7)

flrngif, rainbow, rainbow torus spirals, animated gif, motion graphics, tribute, blender, cycles, animation nodes, solid shading

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2017-01-17 17:09:04

Higher resolution versions at ElloImgur, Dribbble, and G+ Photos.

I really like how this one is a triangle. If you ask me, this looks EXACTLY like it was designed to be the core of a corporate branding/identity package for a super progressive tech company - but I must admit, it was just one of the happy accidents that I created while shifting through different offsets on one parameter in the massive transform node tree I built to create this scene.

This is design number 2 of 7 in a series named “Rainbow Torus Spirals”, where the color palette and solid shaded objects were inspired by the works of Florian de Looij.

flrngif, rainbow, rainbow torus spirals, animated gif, motion graphics, tribute, blender, cycles, animation nodes, solid shading

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