Norb 1 & 2

cubes, rotation, colors, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, b3d, cycles, 400x400

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-04-23 07:58:00

I just learned that Tumblr now allows a filesize of up to 2MB for GIFs 400x400 and smaller. That’s kind of life-changing, since I’ve been struggling to get many of my 480x480 GIFs in at under 1MB, so I’ll be happy to reduce my image sizes in exchange to more than double the image quality or number of frames in the animation. So 400x400 is going to be my new size for a while. Though… perhaps 360x360 would be cool because it’s one of those resolutions that I prefer for some reason, which still fits into the 400x400 bracket… but I’ll have to play with it and make my mind up in a little while.

Also, I think I’m going to go back to posting a lot more things in more of an “in progress but it’s cool enough to post” state. Why? Because when I go back over some of my older stuff, I find it really awesome to kind of see the evolution of a design. I don’t know though - What do you think about seeing me posting stuff which is less polished, but you get to see the designs evolving?

cubes, rotation, colors, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, b3d, cycles, 400x400

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