Lava Lizard - Collaboration with Toast-Zombie

animated gif, motion graphics, lava, lizard, trixels, toast-zombie, etall is a badass, collaboration, made in hexels, blender, cycles, glare

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-01-20 06:00:26

Yesterday, I invited my dear friend Toast-Zombie over to my place to collaborate on some art together. For this piece, she created the original character design, and I used Blender to animate the artwork and do some post-production on the render. Sorry for the delay in posting this, TZ - I got caught in another loop of perfectionism and detail refinement, but I am quite happy with these results now. :)

Recently, Toast-Zombie doodled a cool Lava Lizard of her own, but she was still trying to think of more things to do with that creature design. Last night, we started by looking for a creative direction to work toward together, and knowing that she loves the pokeymans, I showed her the work of etall. She was inspired instantly. “Hey! I can make a Trixel version of my Lava Lizard and you can animate it!” - I am more than a little pleased with the output.

Thanks to etall for being such a powerful source of creative inspiration, and for being so open, and sharing with steps of the process as well! :D

animated gif, motion graphics, lava, lizard, trixels, toast-zombie, etall is a badass, collaboration, made in hexels, blender, cycles, glare

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