January Stripes

gifartistscollective, stripes, spheres, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles, diamond pattern, glass, animation nodes

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2016-02-01 06:59:56

Higher quality versions: G+Ello | 2x@Dribbble | 960x960 @ Imgur

Seeing the GIF Artists Collective January theme of “Stripes”, I mulled the idea over and over for the previous 30 days, telling myself “Oh, this will be easy. I’ve got this covered.”. Yeah. No. Each time I would sit down with a whole free day ahead of me, I would have a bit of color inspiration, but no design inspiration. Something about the shape I wanted to create would elude me every attempt.

So on the last day to make it before midnight on the 31st, I forced myself to sit down with some graph paper and just work out the design’s shape before sitting down at the computer. And you know what? It worked. Finally, a design idea that stuck.

It also helped that I was playing with one of my favorite toys while talking with friends for a few hours the night before, and I was able to work out the perfect color scheme by pulling a subset from the toy’s rainbow. I freaking love this toy.

gifartistscollective, stripes, spheres, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles, diamond pattern, glass, animation nodes

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