Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Composite Wallpapers available!

animated gif, motion graphics, wallpaper, hexagons, hexagonal tunnel, spiral, glare, bling, compositing, blender, b3d, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-01-04 10:56:00

Someone over at Reddit asked me if I could create an HD version of the frames in my GIF “Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Composite”, because they wanted to make a custom Android Tablet (welcome/startup/boot) loop out of it or something, then post it at some place called XDA. I don’t want to fiddle with any of the Android or iOS customization shenanigans myself, but if any of you want to give it a try, here is a link to the collection of high rez PNGs that I created for you. :)

Click here to get the Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Composite Wallpapers at 1920x1920!

So when I started the HD render of this GIF, I figured that would be pretty easy - “Oh yeah, I’ll just increase the size of Blender’s output to 1920 squared and everything will just work.”.

I WAS WRONG. A note to anyone else who works with Blender’s compositor - The “Glare” filter does NOT behave in a resolution independent/output scale relative matter - At the moment, its effects are measured in pixels, not percentages, AND SOME OF THOSE PIXEL VALUES ONLY GO UP TO 10. I needed mine to go up to 11. I mean 100. It was actually a tremendous pain in the butt to manually create those same effects using stacks of only gaussian blurs, curves, and directional blurs. Wowsers was that a pain. Anyway, 6 hours of work later, here the design is in high rez. Enjoy!

animated gif, motion graphics, wallpaper, hexagons, hexagonal tunnel, spiral, glare, bling, compositing, blender, b3d, cycles

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