Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Alternate Composite Wallpapers available!

animated gif, motion graphics, wallpaper, hexagons, hexagonal tunnel, spiral, glare, bling, compositing, blender, b3d, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-01-04 11:31:20

It took a whole lot of work to create the HD scale version of the Glare effects for the “Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Composite Wallpapers”, and I used the same effects on both revision 10 GIFs in that set. So I thought it would be a complete waste to have done all of that work and not post the wallpapers for the “Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Alternate Composite” GIF as well. This was actually my favorite design in that set.

Click here to get the Hexagonal Tunnel 10 Alternate Composite Wallpapers at 1920x1920!


animated gif, motion graphics, wallpaper, hexagons, hexagonal tunnel, spiral, glare, bling, compositing, blender, b3d, cycles

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