Gear Clock 0

html5, canvas2d, javascript, animated gif, motion graphics, node canvas capture server, npos3d

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-05-14 09:48:00

This GIF is brought to you by the letter G, and a really cool JSFiddle I put together a long time ago. The timing on this version is a little different from the fiddle, but I had to muck with it to get it looking good below 200 frames and 2MB at 400x400. This GIF was is rendered on the HTML5 Canvas2D rendering context, using my wireframe 3D game engine I wrote for fun, named NPOS3D.

With the Node Canvas Capture Server I wrote now readily at hand, I’m sure I’ll be posting more of my favorite old stuff like this. :)

Also, since it is 4AM for me now and I’m getting totally loopy, here’s a little ditty that just popped into my head.

“It’s a beautiful day in this Tumblrhood,
A beautiful day for a Follower.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?

Won’t you be my Follower?”

html5, canvas2d, javascript, animated gif, motion graphics, node canvas capture server, npos3d

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