Easter Shark 2017 - A closeup on 4 perfect Chocolate Eggs

easter eggs, chocolate, easter, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles, filmic, cadbury egg, easter shark, easter sharks

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2017-04-08 22:15:27

Higher resolution versions at ElloImgur, Dribbble, and G+ Photos.

You can see each step in the creation of these designs in the Creative Process Gallery.

These eggs have already been personally quality inspected by the Easter Shark, and are ready to go on to the next phase of the production process. Look at how flawless they are!

You can learn more about the legend of the Easter Shark from previous years designs here.

easter eggs, chocolate, easter, animated gif, motion graphics, blender, cycles, filmic, cadbury egg, easter shark, easter sharks

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