Displacement Grid 6 - dvdp tribute, reprise

animated gif, motion graphics, displacement, grid, dvdp, tunnel, blender, b3d, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-01-07 06:47:00

High Quality version here: http://imgur.com/gallery/udWJEgY

This design has some history!

First, back on November 10th, I created this orange and black beauty.

…which had been inspired by this work by dvdp.

Fast forward a few months. I designed a grid displacement material this last weekend.

Then I 80’s-fied that material and it was awesome!

Then dvdp posted this new one that I liked, and it reminded me of November.

That’s when realized that the old design I had created would look AWESOME with the retro style materials I created yesterday. So I put them on there, and I am quite pleased with the results.

On a completely different topic - Let me define a word for you.

Crime - /krīm/ -noun: What I had to commit to get this GIF under 1MB.

animated gif, motion graphics, displacement, grid, dvdp, tunnel, blender, b3d, cycles

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