“Davidope / 150331” Tribute Easter Egg

dvdp, paper, rainbow, easter, animated gif, motion graphics, egg, blender, cycles, compositing

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2015-04-06 22:15:23

Higher quality versions: Ello | G+ | 2x@Dribbble

Not wanting to be one to disappoint the Easter Shark, I had to keep designing. It just happens that I was simultaneously inspired to create two new designs based on the work of artists who have improved my life through their wonderful art. A few days ago, one of my first GIF artist heroes, dvdpposted this beautiful new design, and I had to make a tribute to it as well.

This design is one in a series where I celebrate Easter, the time of year when the Easter Shark swims across the sky in a rainbow, bringing spring to the land.

dvdp, paper, rainbow, easter, animated gif, motion graphics, egg, blender, cycles, compositing

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