Circular Associations - D - Infinity

processing, graph theory, creative coding, animated gif, motion graphics, circular associations, blender, post processing

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-06-16 15:39:07

High Quality version here:

For this one, I took the output from my Processing sketch “Circular Associations - D”, and used Blender to place those PNGs on to a series of planes that were placed incrementally farther away from the camera, and rotated over time. Then after the initial spiral render, I took that output and used Blender to post-process it by applying some Lens Distortion with Dispersion, a few kinds of Glare, and some Curves to give it color.

This GIF is one in a set named “Circular Associations

processing, graph theory, creative coding, animated gif, motion graphics, circular associations, blender, post processing

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