80s Glam Power Speed Hair Death Metal Band Logo - “GOAT”

80s, vhs, post processing, goat, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-07-01 09:39:00

High quality version here: http://imgur.com/gallery/eOmLlPg

Did you guys ever hear about that awesome Glam Power Speed Hair Death Metal Band from the 80s named “GOAT”? Man, they had such a killer logo. That I just invented. I also invented that band. Just now. In my head. But seriously, I would listen to them, if they had a stylin’ brand image like this.

There were 4 steps in the production on this one.

  1. Playing with Photoshop to create an original greyscale word with the “Flat Fan” brushes - which were new to me. I’m going to have to practice some more (cough) calligraphy like this in the future.
  2. Taking that mask and using as a mask on a plane in Blender, then moving some Magenta and Cyan lights around behind that mask, shining toward the camera - This is where most of the animation came from.
  3. OMG SO MUCH POST PROCESSING AND COMPOSITING . This is what added the space and the rainbows and the blings and the VHS look. This part was done 100% In the Blender compositor.
  4. Added the scan-line pattern in Overlay mode at 30% opacity in Photoshop, and saved as GIF.

My inspirations for this piece were the Daft Punk “Discovery” Album Cover, and “Love” by UziCopter. I freakin’ LOVE what uzicopter did with the colors on that one.

Retrospectively, I searched for a band named Goat. Turns out they are Swedish - EDIT - and their music is not exactly my style, but due to the quick reply, apparently it’s totally DaveBees’ jam. Right on.

80s, vhs, post processing, goat, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles

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