80s Glam Power Speed Hair Death Metal Band Logo - “GOAT”
80s, vhs, post processing, goat, motion graphics, animated gif, blender, cycles
Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-07-01 09:39:00
High quality version here: http://imgur.com/gallery/eOmLlPg
Did you guys ever hear about that awesome Glam Power Speed Hair Death Metal Band from the 80s named “GOAT”? Man, they had such a killer logo. That I just invented. I also invented that band. Just now. In my head. But seriously, I would listen to them, if they had a stylin’ brand image like this.
There were 4 steps in the production on this one.
- Playing with Photoshop to create an original greyscale word with the “Flat Fan” brushes - which were new to me. I’m going to have to practice some more (cough) calligraphy like this in the future.
- Taking that mask and using as a mask on a plane in Blender, then moving some Magenta and Cyan lights around behind that mask, shining toward the camera - This is where most of the animation came from.
- OMG SO MUCH POST PROCESSING AND COMPOSITING . This is what added the space and the rainbows and the blings and the VHS look. This part was done 100% In the Blender compositor.
- Added the scan-line pattern in Overlay mode at 30% opacity in Photoshop, and saved as GIF.
My inspirations for this piece were the Daft Punk “Discovery” Album Cover, and “Love” by UziCopter. I freakin’ LOVE what uzicopter did with the colors on that one.
Retrospectively, I searched for a band named Goat. Turns out they are Swedish - EDIT - and their music is not exactly my style, but due to the quick reply, apparently it’s totally DaveBees’ jam. Right on.