Trent's Devil Guy [Beta]
A 3D model of a 1920s style cartoon character with a devilishly charming design and candy corn nose. Concept by Trent Call, model by Admiral Potato.
Posted in Models || Posted on 2010-02-21 15:48:07

view sketch
Original drawing by Trent Call
3D model by Admiral
view texmap
Texture map created by Admiral
Trent Call, the artist of the character sheet for this piece, is a professional artist who's work spans many mediums, and many styles. One day when Admiral was visiting Trent in his studio, Admiral suggested that it would be a lot of fun to make a model(and subsequently, a toy) of one of Trent's 1920s style characters. No less than two days later, Admiral was ecstatic to find this character sketch in his inbox, ready to start modeling.
A bit about the character itself: Don't let the apparent innocence of this character's Candy-Corn nose, Mickey Mouse gloves and 1920s cartoon style fool you; in some of Trent's other works, this character has been seen boozing it up from bottles labeled with no fewer than 3 Xs, and smoking stogies of questionable content. When asked about the character's origins and intentions, Trent is quoted as saying: "I don't know. He's just some devil guy I draw. Just some cool dude, you know?"
Due to far too much life chaos, this particular model had been put on the back burner for almost 5 months since it's start date. At long last, this model has reached it's Beta phase! Only bones, posing, and a bit of texmap tweaking by Trent remain before this one is complete. Expect to see this one in a certain Shapeways store soon!
Admiral's time-log on this particular model was as follows:
2009-09-26 - 12:00 - 12:15 - 0.25
Photoshop prep, Blender scene setup
2009-09-26 - 15:00 - 16:30 - 1.50
Starting the model; Working on the upper body minus arms, face, head, hat
2009-09-29 - 18:15 - 19:30 - 1.25
A little body cleanup, working on the Arms & Hands (Mostly the hands)
2009-10-01 - 17:15 - 17:30 - 0.25
Working on the hands and arms
2009-10-01 - 17:30 - 19:15 - 1.75
Starting work on the Legs & Feet(Mostly on the Shoe-Laces)
2009-10-01 - 19:15 - 19:30 - 0.25
Misc tweaks & hacks, fine-tuning a bunch of stuff
2009-10-04 - 13:15 - 15:30 - 2.25
Misc tweaks, adding Bow-tie, UV Un-wrapping
2009-10-04 - 16:15 - 17:15 - 1.00
Taking Trent's feedback, teaching him a little bit about painting in Blender
2010-02-21 - 06:00 - 11:00 - 5.00
Noting a bit of time-tracking loss, estimating hours spent on the following: Implementing Trent's feedback on creating the teeth, making decent looking quad implementations of added teeth, doing semifinal AO bake
2010-02-21 - 12:30 - 15:30 - 3.00
Creating and coloring a texmap