Electric Branches - 0

energy, tron, romanowsky, motion graphics, animated gif, neon, blender, cycles, post processing, glare, electric branches

Posted in Motion || Posted on 2014-06-17 07:27:00

High Quality version here: http://imgur.com/gallery/4F4ROAO/

This design was directly inspired by the work of one of my favorite motion graphics crews, romanowsky. The individual piece of theirs that Falcon-Punched me right in the face with a Brass Knuckle of inspiration was this work right here and I wish it had a name, because if it did, my eyes would be screaming it out its name, and asking for a cigarette later. Uhhhng! SO! GOOD!

This GIF is one in a set named “Electric Branches

energy, tron, romanowsky, motion graphics, animated gif, neon, blender, cycles, post processing, glare, electric branches

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