I am proud to say that the design and development of the current HiQnet website is 100% my doing. I've been working the HiQnet guys for about 6 years now, doing print advertisements, branding work, trade show graphics, promotional brochures and such, so we know each other pretty well. This is actually the second or third revision of their site that I have built for them, and while I used to manually manage the content on their site for years, this time I've built an advanced Content Management System into the site.

The CMS / Administrative Tools for this site are powered by the same "Darth Validator 4" engine that I originally developed while working on the TASCAM project, but I had the foresight to write the tool to be as generic/reusable as possible. All sites that I build to use the DV4 tools eventually benefit from the requests of other clients, as each time I go back to add a new feature to one site, I copy the latest version of DV4 to that project and work from there.

Things that are true about this project

Things that are NOT true about this project