Nuclear Pixel

by Admiral Potato

A wobsite about Graphic Design, Web Development, creating Toys,
and anything else I feel the need to yell at the intercats. (I will end you!!)

Blog :: Eyeguy Quality Render From 2009

Posted in category: Blog on: 2011-03-31 07:13:21

Alright, here we go! This should be the second to last mandatory retro-post I have to write before I can officially launch / announce Nuclear Pixel 6!

This article is a scrap, and only the graphic content makes it worthy of posting. I think it looks pretty. It would otherwise never see the light of day. This post has no eastereggs in it whatsoever.

This is a higher quality, sub-serf'd and texmap displaced render of what was originally a low poly character that I created... exactly two years ago today. Wow. Well, that's interesting to take note of... I was working in creating this exact image two years ago. How the time flies, eh? This character's simple design and paint job inspired another creature that I later created, but was unable to replicate this character's style in.

And now, it... umm... evolves! Or something! See the evolution? Yeah?

You can tell that I really care about the quality of text on this page at this point, it being 9 in the morning at the time of this writing, and I have not slept all night. No client is gonna stop me from typing silly dummy content on THIS website! Awwww yeah!
Oh, hey, speaking of which... here's something really really awesome that just came to mind.

You can check out the low poly version of the Eyeguy in 3D over on my Models page.

Eyeguy - Rendered + Wireframe from Admiral Potato on Vimeo.